[Gunpla Review] Real Grade Sazabi — Finger-numbing Experience

I have a love-hate relationship with this gunpla because the build is fantastic, but the “advanced MS joints” made the kit floppy to handle, and this kit has a ton of moving parts I enjoyed, but at the same time, handling and posing this kit a time-consuming nightmare. So here we are, one of three gunpla I own that isn’t a gundam (the others are the GM Sniper II, and Mobile GINN), and building this RG Sazabi was a unique experience. However, there are a few quirks I don’t like or outright hate, and I’m gonna cover everything I experienced in this review.

Continue reading [Gunpla Review] Real Grade Sazabi — Finger-numbing Experience

[Gunpla Review] Full Mechanics (No Grade) Calamity Gundam

As you may have already know, I’m a fan of Gundam SEED. Now, I get it, it’s not the best gundam out there and I have my own criticisms of it as well (inconsistent art style, ugly art style, recycling footage, etc.), but it was a good “modern” gundam show that is not another UC gundam. I don’t have any Gundam SEED merch, posters and whatever, but I do collect gunpla from the Gundam SEED line, mostly Master Grades. When I heard that Calamity Gundam is coming, I was overjoyed, and when I heard that it’s not a Master Grade, I sighed a bit. I doubt Bandai will give Calamity and the rest of the villain suits the MG treatment, so I bought the Full Mechanics anyway and built it. How was it? Let’s find out.

Continue reading [Gunpla Review] Full Mechanics (No Grade) Calamity Gundam

[Gunpla Review] High Grade Aile Strike Gundam

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these reviews and the reason for that is, well, you guys are here for our scanlations and fansubs, and also I don’t want to flood the blog with nothing but gunpla reviews. Maybe that’ll change because I’ve built a few more kits since the Master Grade Mobile GINN I reviewed back in May, and, well, I want to talk about them.

I’m making a makeshift “hangar” to properly display the gunpla and its accessories, and if I can be assed, I’ll set up a makeshift photo booth for photos and a white/black backround if I ever get I comfortable. For now, the action base and its arms you see on the top picture is what I’ll be going for in future reviews.

Continue reading [Gunpla Review] High Grade Aile Strike Gundam

[Gunpla Review] Master Grade Mobile GINN

Due to several setbacks, I finally got my hands on the very recent MG Mobile GINN (I swear the anime calls it as “GINN”). Now that I’ve built it and played with it, here is my review of it! Oh and this review will be slightly different, meaning there won’t be any pictures of the assembly because, in case you’ve forgotten, I built the kit live on Twitch last weekend.

Now with that said, here is my review of my 13th Master Grade, the Mobile GINN!

Continue reading [Gunpla Review] Master Grade Mobile GINN

[Blog] More Gunpla Reviews?

The Providence Gundam, my first ever Master Grade.

At this point in time, I’m just in a dime-a-dozen people who reviews gunpla, and there are a lot more people who are putting more effort into their reviews than me. So is it pointless for me to write gunpla reviews? Yes. But I still want to do it because building is fun and I like to talk about the things I learn or discover when building gunpla. And if there’s a “niche” I’m covering, it’ll be me focusing on Master Grade gunpla from the Gundam SEED series. I’ll build and review a kit from the UC timeline here are there, but I’m dedicated my time and resources to gunpla from Gundam SEED.

So, yeah, that’s about it. There are two upcoming kits I want to build and review, but it all depends if I can buy them at all. These kits (including shipping fees) aren’t cheap, sadly. If you’re willing to help me get the kits, that’d be neat. Please look forward to them, if ever!

—SHiN @ Lazy Lily Fansubs

[Gunpla Review] Master Grade RX-78-02 Gundam

When I built the MG RX-78-2 version 3.0, I thought of getting the over MG variants of the granddaddy gundam, so I can do Pillar Men poses. But my new reason of getting another MG granddaddy is I got disappointed of the 3.0 due to how loose it gotten, and I’m afraid of even touching the kit because it may fall apart on me. Now that I’ve built the MG RX-78-02 Gundam, is it a better kit than the 3.0 in terms of looks and posability?

Continue reading [Gunpla Review] Master Grade RX-78-02 Gundam

[Gunpla Review] Master Grade Buster Gundam

This marks the completion of my Gundam SEED MG set! Technically it isn’t… I have to get the Perfect Strike for the sword and launcher weapons, and the Strike Rouge. Oh and the Forbidden, Calamity, Raider gundams. Anyway! The Buster Gundam is my 10th Master Grade, and perhaps it’s one of the best-looking kits, alongside the MG Justice Gundam. With that said, I’ve made several mistakes during the building process. If only I didn’t care about detail painting…

Continue reading [Gunpla Review] Master Grade Buster Gundam

[Gunpla Review] Master Grade Blitz Gundam

Very detailed kit, but with a few drawbacks, the Blitz is shiny and it kind of looks like Master Gundam’s little brother at certain angles. This is my 9th MG kit and I built it rather quickly, mainly because it’s my 3rd kit using the X Frame. But is that a bad thing?

I’m using a different format this time, and I’ll probably use it for my future reviews. Assuming I get to make more gunpla reviews.

Continue reading [Gunpla Review] Master Grade Blitz Gundam

[Gunpla Review] Master Grade Aegis Gundam

I ordered several metallic gundam markers from Hobby Link Japan, but unfortunately it took forever for my order to arrive. If the package had arrived a month earlier, I could’ve added more detail painting on the Duel. Oh well, at least there’s the Aegis. I held back building the Aegis because I’m still relatively new to gunpla and I needed more experience before tackling a transforming kit. And, boy, oh, boy, the Aegis is the most complex kit I have ever built so far.

Continue reading [Gunpla Review] Master Grade Aegis Gundam

[Gunpla Review] Master Grade GM Sniper II

I bought the GM Sniper II mainly because it was cheap in during one of the sales. And I’ve been hearing a lot of reviews saying the articulation is great, and the sniper rifle is great. Bought it, built it, posed it, and the GM Sniper II is very good. On a side note, I didn’t properly topcoat this one because some of the armor parts were hidden inside the frame, and I forgot to bend the joints to coat them.

Continue reading [Gunpla Review] Master Grade GM Sniper II