[Blog] More Gunpla Reviews?

The Providence Gundam, my first ever Master Grade.

At this point in time, I’m just in a dime-a-dozen people who reviews gunpla, and there are a lot more people who are putting more effort into their reviews than me. So is it pointless for me to write gunpla reviews? Yes. But I still want to do it because building is fun and I like to talk about the things I learn or discover when building gunpla. And if there’s a “niche” I’m covering, it’ll be me focusing on Master Grade gunpla from the Gundam SEED series. I’ll build and review a kit from the UC timeline here are there, but I’m dedicated my time and resources to gunpla from Gundam SEED.

So, yeah, that’s about it. There are two upcoming kits I want to build and review, but it all depends if I can buy them at all. These kits (including shipping fees) aren’t cheap, sadly. If you’re willing to help me get the kits, that’d be neat. Please look forward to them, if ever!

—SHiN @ Lazy Lily Fansubs

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