[News] Blog Update (05/03/18)

Another month, another blog update! Exciting!

So last month I jinxed myself, and we didn’t reach our target goal. We’re still blessed with a few followers helping out, but I highly doubt we’ll reach this month’s target goal (Yeah, I’m hopeful that being negative will have an opposite effect). Will this affect our laid out translation schedule for this month and the next? Technically, no.

What usually happens is we take what we’ve got and I’ll just pitch in to pay for whatever expenses we’ve made. Unfortunately this is a situation I don’t want myself to be in all the time because I’m already overburdened with bills IRL. I’m a poorfag with a richfag’s hobby, so to speak. What’s the plan now? Nothing, I suppose. We’ll continue translating stuff no one reads, but we’ll continue to be hopeful that more people will support our projects. Or maybe reintroduce my donor-exclusive rewards-thingy for the umpteenth time.

Basically, active donors sending a fixed amount periodically will have access to every raw scans we used for our scanlations—Aikatsu! doujins only. This rewards system is retroactive so everyone, including people who have donated in the past will gain access to our stuff (for as long as they tell me they’re interested). When will I fully implement this? I’m not so sure. Like, I have to think of various things like making sure donors will continue to help, keep them happy by putting out raws, and find a way to discourage donors to go rogue and leak the raws online.

I haven’t fully thought of this, to be honest—however, if push comes to shove, I may implement this system and be aggressive because we need the funds to, well, fund our projects and eventually get a new workstation to future-proof Lazy Lily Fansubs.

Other than that, everything on the surface level is okay, and you’ll get your Kanamemos, Sakura Tricks, and Aikatsu! doujins as planned.

— SHiN @ Lazy Lily Fansubs


Anyone has a spare TF2 Tour of Duty Ticket lying around? If yes, I would love to take them off your person. Add me on Steam, or through Steam Trading, or maybe through this, if you’re feeling generous!

2 thoughts on “[News] Blog Update (05/03/18)”

  1. How do you handle donations? Patreon? PayPal? Dark sacrifices in the moonlight while swearing fealty to our Shadow Lord?


    1. Swearing loyalty to the Blue Goddess Aoi!

      PayPal is our only current option and I don’t think we’ll ever do Patreon.


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