Sakura Trick manga volumes 4-6 batch torrents are OUT!!!

>inb4 people are still going to ask

Here are the batch torrents for volumes 4-6. Apart from removing excessive recruitment ads, no chapter was modified so there’s no need to delete your older copies. But if you want to redownload them in convenient packages, then these batches are for you.


[Torrent] Sakura Trick Vol4
[Torrent] Sakura Trick Vol5
[Torrent] Sakura Trick Vol6

[Mega] Sakura Trick Vol4
[Mega] Sakura Trick Vol5
[Mega] Sakura Trick Vol6 *updated*


Corrected a misspelling, DDL updated.

Two volumes left and here’s hoping we can finish them as soon as possible!

Also, we added an Affiliates page where you’ll see our, well, affiliates and partners. These guys helped Lazy Lily Fansubs, and it’s fair to give them a shout out. And oh yeah, contrary to popular belief—I, SHiN teh Cute, have friends. :V

Thank you for downloading, and please share this blog to everyone who is reading our scanlations. Let them know we’re not dead. And want to help Lazy Lily Fansubs? Donate!

—SHiN @ Lazy Lily Fansubs

7 thoughts on “Sakura Trick manga volumes 4-6 batch torrents are OUT!!!”

  1. I enjoyed Sakura Trick [anime] so much – I’m so glad you’re translating the manga!

    Side question though – I only recently discovered that the anime “Myself; Yourself” had an OAD / Music video, I can’t find any other copies on the ‘net at the moment – would it be possible to re-link the DDL? I know it was a LONG time ago- sorry!

    Old release post is


    1. Hmm, I think that’s the music video… Not sure I still have it, though. Maybe I misplaced. Even if I do find it, quality will not be as good as my current encodes.

      I’ll see what I can do.


  2. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DOING THIS. I really appreciate all the hard work it means translate and do all this amaizing work. Sakura Trick is part of my life and heart because of you


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